Friday, April 5, 2013

R.I.P. Roger Ebert

(1942 -2013)

I would not be doing this blog if it were not for this man. Roger Ebert, more than any other critic, has turned film criticism into something accessible to mainstream audiences without dumbing it down. I may not have always agreed with him but I always know where he comes from. Following him on Twitter, I felt like I got a glimpse of the man: Passionate, humble, generous. And he loved movies. I have to say his commentary on Citizen Kane made me not only love that film more, but also deepened my love for the medium of film. He has been one of the major figures that helped shape my film tastes and my film writing. I will miss him terribly. R.I.P. 


The Angry Lurker said...

He was an icon among critics!

Outcast said...

Sorry to hear somebody who was such an inspiration for you has passed away man, he does sound like a witty and awesome man! Rest in peace.

Adam said...

he was the only critic I cared about

MRanthrope said...

yeah, major bummer. I grew up watching Siskel and Ebert. In the pre-internet says his show was like the only place a kid go here people talk about movies.

DWei said...

I didn't care for his opinion that video games aren't art but it's a shame that he didn't live long enough to try more of them and maybe change his opinion.